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#DailyGlobalInsights #EP87 Cryptocurrencies - India's Digital Coin and China's Digital RMB & how US GDP is related

#EP87 Cryptocurrencies – India’s Digital Coin and China’s Digital RMB & how US GDP...

  Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to Episode number 87 of Daily Global Insights. I'm your host Sree Iyer and joining me is Sridhar Chtiyalaji....
#WeekdaysNewsCapsule #Episode49 Chicago City Council CAA resolution, US Presidential elections, Covid and more!

Episode 49 Chicago City Council CAA resolution, US Presidential elections, Covid and more!

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel and I am your host Sree Iyer, It's a wonderful day out here, very clear night...
#WeekdayNewsCapsule #Episode38 US Elections, Yellen Treasury Sec - what it means and more

#WeekdayNewsCapsule Episode 38 US Elections, Yellen Treasury Sec – what it means and...

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel, I am your host  Sree Iyer. This is news capsule for episode 38. I am with...
Shipments from France of Rafale jets to India have started with the first five arriving today

At last Rafale fighter jets have landed – Saga of the deal from Congress...

At last, the first batch of five Rafale fighter jets from France has landed in India on Wednesday afternoon. The Rafale deal is a...
The Army must be strong and care first so that we can sleep and our boundaries are not further shrunk and encroached

Celebrating defeat

Soldiers must be higher than bureaucrats. Because when all fail, army steps in whereas bureaucrats have no achievements I got a chance to visit the...
High Court bench delivered a 93-page landmark judgement on the 148-year-old practice of Darbar Move in J&K

Darbar Move: J&K Govt pays Rs 6952.338 lakhs to 10,112 employees every year for...

J&K HC gave as many as 22 reasons in support of the historic judgement on Darbar Move On May 5, 2020, Jammu & Kashmir (J&K)...
China deliberately hid news about the outbreak of the virus in December 2019 from the rest of the world, thereby enabling the virus to spread across the globe and develop into a pandemic.

World vs China in AC (after Corona) era

Institutions in their current form, be it the UN or WHO or the WTO, have failed in discharging their duties efficiently and diligently, which...
The high decibel western propaganda is to stop India from taking effective measures at this moment. Now is the right time to take the bull by the horn to address the longstanding issues created by the West eco-system.

Delhi riots and its urgent lessons of Global designs for India

India needs to develop a well thought out plan to counter the deceptive and selfish game of the Western eco-system and learn not only...
While religion might not be “logical” to some, but Hindu Religion has proven to have some science behind it.

6 Famous International Physicists who were influenced by Hindu Dharma

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed...
With the coming of Modi 2.0, the chokehold of the “PC network” on various institutions of governance has been reduced.

Modi 2.0 overcoming PC network’s sabotage of economy: Experts

The fallout of Chidambaram’s arrest has been underwhelming. The effect on stock markets, investor sentiment as well as global financial hubs has been a...


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