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Being Finance Minister in the UPA government was Chidambaram's finest hour.

Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram

Chidambaram assiduously cultivated the media with his clipped English accent, occasional freebies, and sustained shadows of the Enforcement Directorate that he commanded. Palaniappan Chidambaram, whom...
Citizenship & Illegal Migrants Issue

Citizenship & Illegal Migrants Issue

Illegal migration from Bangladesh is the most volatile and contentious issue in the country today Citizenship: Whenever we say Citizenship, it constitutes the indispensable foundational principle...
An Indian to be the next Pope?

An Indian to be the next Pope?

Part 1 of this series is titled Role of Church in Indian Politics. Part 2 wonders if the Anti-Conversion bill brought by the Morarji...
corporation and nation

Corporation and Nation

Big American corporations are “American” only because they’re headquartered and legally incorporated in the United States Trump and congressional Republicans are engineering the largest corporate...
Rohingyas - a security threat

Rohingyas a security threat to India and Buddhists

The stand taken by the Union Government on the Rohingyas issue in the SC is both national and rational ...
China leap to fame is backed by the rising importance of its Yuan as a hard currency

Part2 – China’s Road to Superpower status

Part 1 of this series can be 'accessed ' here. This is Part 2. Unlike the US-led Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which left China out,...
The reputation of Tamil Nadu as a business friendly state is taking a beating

Where does Tamil Nadu go from here?

Tamil Nadu is at crossroads. The Jallikattu agitation which crippled the State for weeks has done a lot of damage to the reputation of...
A critical look at colonization of India and how various conquerors bent India's will

Rajiv Malhotra’s Lecture on Swadeshi Indology – Part2: Colonization

Part 1 of this series can be accessed here. This is Part 2. Now colonization is not the same thing as being oppressed. You can...
Did India miss a chance to wipe out Pak Nukes by not waging a war in the eighties?

How pacifists abhorring war, have made N-holocaust possible in India

Dim-witted pacifists in particular and Left-libbers in general lecture us to shun war; they quote Mahatma Gandhi, the Buddha, Guru Nanak, and other personages...
Concept of freedom and how to achieve it - as visioned by Rashbehari and Subhas

Two Revolutionaries, Rashbehari and Subhas – A Meeting of Minds Part 1

This article has been co-authored by Saswati Sarkar, Shanmukh and Dikgaj Introduction The great Indian revolutionary, Rashbehari Bose, is primarily known for forming the Indian Independence...


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