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But Still The Nation Reduced Congress To The Status of 44

But still the Nation reduced Congress to the status of 44

Why did the nation defeat the Congress and reduce it to the status of 44 in Lok Sabha in 2014 if it was secular,...
The curious case of Justice Chelameswar

The curious case of Justice Chelameswar

Justice Chelameswar and three of his fellow judges had hurriedly convened a press conference in New Delhi to “inform the nation” about ‘happenings’ within...
Arun Jaitley's remarks on the First Amendment to the Constitution smacks of conspicuous hypocrisy

Conspicuous hypocrisy

Jaitley has the gumption to wax eloquent about liberty: “Unquestionably free speech is a part of basic structure of the Constitution.” A good lawyer can...
Perils of moral equivalence

Perils of moral equivalence

The two countries RAW and the ISI belong to are like cheese and chalk Spy Chronicles: RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace is a...
Rss Chief’s Focus Was Pragmatic ---Pranabda's Was Idealistic

RSS chief’s focus was pragmatic — Pranabda’s was idealistic

In contrast to Pranabda 's idealism, was the pragmatism of Mohan Bhagwat when he said, “Irrespective of our diversity, we have to know that...
Full text of Pranab Mukherjee speech at the RSS event

Here is the full text of ex-President Pranab Mukherjee’s Address

Nation, Nationalism and Patriotism Greetings,  Sarsanghchalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat Ji, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen 1. Today, I'm here to share with you my understanding of the concepts...
A national asset nobody is interested in

Air India: A national asset nobody is interested in

Air India is a great ‘asset’ that nobody is interested in keeping: the government wants to sell it, while nobody in the market wants...
Should the Supreme Court also have ordered INC and JDS to free its MLAs while giving just 24 hours to BJP to prove its majority?

Was the 24-hour time duration given to BJP to prove its majority a fair...

Watching the drama play out between the Janata Dal (Secular) (JDS) and the Indian National Congress (INC) in the formation of government and allotment...
It is the rarest of rare Government publications

It is the rarest of rare Government publications

The basic theme of this book is innovation, which is described as “the main driver of transformation in the twenty-first century” On the 25th of...
Church blunders

Church blunders, then ties itself up in knots to extricate from the mess

The Archbishop’s office made feeble attempts to dispel the impression, claiming that the appeal did not mention any political party or leader. An interesting set...


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