Rahul Gandhi’s latest gaffe

Which canteen is it? Amma's or Indira's? Rahul Gandhi seems to be confused! Or is he?

Which canteen is it? Amma's or Indira's? Rahul Gandhi seems to be confused! Or is he?
Which canteen is it? Amma's or Indira's? Rahul Gandhi seems to be confused!

Many of you may have heard this popular song from Kasauti (1974). Watch the video to get the context. This cartoon is inspired by it. Enjoy!

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  1. quote “We are a team of focused individuals with expertise in at least one of the following fields viz. Journalism, Technology, Economics, Politics, Sports & Business. We are factual, accurate and unbiased.”
    comment= very good! But humanity is at best when ‘dharma’ is attached to anything of life AND ITS BEST DEALT IN ÍNDIAN PHILOSOPHY’ the cream of which is in ‘SRIMADBHAGBATGITA’!
    ‘NISKAAM KARMA’ AND ‘KARMA FAL’dedicated to SRIHARI if adopted any man /any nation will rise to pefection – no doubt!
    AND SO I suggest ‘ Journalism, Technology, Economics, Politics, Sports & Business ‘be discussed ‘dharma’ based , as how it will benefit mankind as a whole!


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