Swamy address in Rajya Sabha – Technology to save environment

In a 3-minute speech in the Rajya Sabha, Swamy stressed the need for India to explore new technologies to combat Climate Change

Swamy address in Rajya Sabha - Technology to save environment
Swamy address in Rajya Sabha - Technology to save environment

Today’s address by Dr. Subramanian Swamy in Rajya Sabha was mainly focused on saving the environment. In his address in Rajya Sabha, he affirmed that Indians through ancient times have worshipped the environment be it rivers, trees, rocks. Hence, there is no point in teaching India about the environment.

He also applauded Prime Minister’s initiatives for giving national focus for saving the environment through various schemes at a micro-level such as the Ujawala Yojana, clean Ganga drive etc.

Swamy suggested that the Environment Ministry should motivate other ministries to develop new technology which would help save our environment.

When there was a problem with regard to Cauvery water between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Swamy had suggested the same to Tamil Nadu that set-up desalination of seawater to solve their water woes.

He recommended that the Ministry should focus on setting-up plants for Desalination of Seawater which would solve the problem of scarcity of water.

Also, suggested that IITs should be encouraged to develop Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Automobiles andusingThorium, which the cleanest form for generating electricity.

Swamy added that cars that run on Hydrogen Fuel cell based-fuel will help India to escape its dependence on crude oil.

Swamy warned that since many of the companies from the US had invested huge amounts in infrastructure for crude oil extraction and refining, it might pose stumbling blocks for research into the technology.

“The US has huge amounts of oil. The oil companies there have also developed huge infrastructure in this sector. Therefore, they do not want other countries to develop alternatives such as Hydrogen Cell Fuels,” he said.[1]

When there was a problem with regard to Cauvery water between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, Swamy had suggested the same to Tamil Nadu that set-up desalination of seawater to solve their water woes. This technology was first adopted by Israel.[2]

To the date there are two desalination plants in Chennai, one each at Minjur and at Nemmeli. The foundation stone for the third seawater desalination plant in neighbouring Kancheepuram district was laid today by the TN chief minister. The two more plants are proposed to come up at Perur and Pattipulam.


[1] Focus on cars that run on hydrogen cell fuel : Dr. SwamyOct 15, 2013, Swamy’s Blog

[2] Swamy bats for seawater desalination plantsFeb 4, 2018, The Hindu

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  1. What Dr.Swamy say’s is absolutely right we have to wake-up go for our tradition based technology to solve our problems.
    Three cheers to Dr. Swamy ji

  2. Desalination is highly energy intensive & costly. It cannot be the sole way to solve TN’s drinking /irrigation water problems.
    An excellent option is interlinking of rivers. It will take time but once done, it will be a long term solution.
    The CMs of TN & Karnataka should take this up with the Central government to facilitate this on a war footing.

  3. Are they treating effluent water, like Nagpur? If not, TN govt. should go for it before investing in desalination plant . That can be used for industrial purpose.

  4. Dr. Subramanian Swamy in Rajya Sabha affirmed that Indians through ancient times have worshiped the environment be it rivers, trees, rocks. Hence, there is no point in teaching India about the environment. Several years ago he has suggested quarreling Karnataka and TN States on Cavery waters to live in a peaceful manner and asked TN to use the technology for instance Israel and establish desalination plants wherever necessary in TN to solve drinking water issues first on war footing.

    Modern day economy encourages pollution. Let India become plastic sachets free nation. Encourage jute and biodegradable sachets and bags. Western nations moved to Green technologies while we still import obsolete technologies thus becoming a graveyard of obsolete technologies.

    Dr.Swamy still has the ability to solve complex issues but BJP leadership does not want problems to be solved in better way or by Dr.Swamy. My desire is to see present day BJP leadership meeting 75 plus PMs or Presidents of other nations and teach Modi/Shah a lesson or two in administration and problem solving capacity of 75 plus humans /citizens too !

  5. It is travesty of our present education system that environment education became important subject for UG classes and school level yet we suffered much where we never think of environment. People have got the idea for doing corruption at various levels like Pollution control boards of many states.

  6. He is one hundred and one pv right. Of immediate requirement in his overall plan
    Desalinization of water using nuclear methods which can also generate power and use of same seawater as moderator iand use the power for the plant and pumpup water to reach about 500 meter land has to be immediate project ps pps.
    On the higher reaches lonkuing of rivers project is of immediate need . This c upan give employment for huge population even in skilled and semiskilled for one generation say 25 years. Tome for big projects


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