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Tag: WhatsApp

India asks WhatsApp to withdraw changes to privacy policy

Ministry asked WhatsApp to withdraw the proposed changes The Government of India (GOI) on Tuesday has asked WhatsApp to withdraw the recent changes in the...

Congress, Left-Liberal echo chambers turning cry babies after losing control over...

Left-Liberals and their associates in Congress are masters in dirty tricks and accusations. The recent one being against Facebook’s India operations. Now the Left-Liberals...

Facebook changes its News Feed Algorithm

Plans to make it more family / friends centric Stung by the accusations that it influenced the Presidential election of 2016, all Social Media companies,...

Grapevine in Social Media about PM Narendra Modi

Beware of the messages you get in WhatsApp groups and other social media sites. Majority of them are fake news A blitzkrieg has been launched...

Increased security, encryption for WhatsApp

Encryption: a milestone for Whatsapp community New versions of WhatsApp are now available for download for your Smartphone. Please upgrade your software as soon as...

If I talk to someone on WhatsApp, is it encrypted?

Apple - FBI battle forces software vendors such as WhatsApp to tighten up their encryption schemes The ongoing dispute between Apple and the United States...

Sree Iyer talks at VHSCamp on May 3 2015

Sree Iyer Social Media has the potential to un-seat conventional methods of Marketing using Main stream Media channels such as Print, Radio and Television. In...


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