India urgently needs to come to terms with Global Kurukshetra, the global forces planning to disintegrate it.

These interests want to use India to provide a constant stream of Technical Coolies to build Western institutions but not allow India to develop its own institutions.

These interests want to use India to provide a constant stream of Technical Coolies to build Western institutions but not allow India to develop its own institutions.
These interests want to use India to provide a constant stream of Technical Coolies to build Western institutions but not allow India to develop its own institutions.

Rajiv Malhotra Ji gave a Webinar on Feb 2nd, 2020 on ‘Breaking India’ topic.[1] This article is to highlight the points raised by Rajiv-Ji along with my comments on the issues he raised.


1) India is in the middle of the huge Kurukshetra around the world.

My notes: The reference here is to the Global mafia of Globalists, Missionaries and US agencies from West, Islamic Ummah mainly from Saudi Arabia and Muslim diaspora and Marxists/Naxals and Separatists from China. Globalists are those like George Soros (who recently outburst at Davos conference against India and Narendra Modi) and others who constitute Western Establishment.

West has Think Tanks where they have both left and right wings think tanks providing input for Judicial positions, policies etc., but India doesn’t have such a system.

2) The global problem cannot have a local solution.

My notes: BJP may control local media, or arrest Urban Naxals inside the country, but the problem is outside and needs bold and innovative actions, effective lobbying, or even use similar methods as China, in countering the Western Establishment game which is more effective than the West.

3) There is a long story of mental and emotional violence much before the violence seen on the streets and by the time it spills into the street, it is too late.

My notes: There is a pattern in inventing lies like Kashmiri Muslims are suffering while not mentioning even once about half million Kashmiris Hindus who are living as refugees in their own country for last 30 years, or total lies about CAA and NRC, showing BJP and Modi is intolerant (such as cover page on ‘The Economist’), or never showing when Hindus are victims and constantly magnifying hundredfold when Muslims are victims. All of these are to turn Muslims against India and Hindus. Let us not forget ISIS is a creation of West to disintegrate the Middle East and that Muslim League was made powerful by British resulting in the division of India. Using existing fault lines and divisions is well-known ploy like the missionaries did in Rwanda where they set one tribe against another that ended up in genocide, It is the same to what they did throughout last 2000 years whether it is Americas, Africa and now Asia, particularly India. Let us not miss the fact that most of the propaganda is coming from Globalist Jewish owned/managed media such as NY Times, CNN, Time and many others who also control finance, pharma and weapons industry in the West. On the academic front, there are Wendy Doniger, Audrey Trushke, Witzel who are also Jewish and have deep connections to the missionary mafia and are perhaps serving as a distraction to mask the real intent. Anyone who cares to read should read Mahatma Gandhi’s deep abhorrence to missionaries activities in India.

The intersecting interests of Globalists, Missionaries and Western institutions resulted in an industry of dubious Western and their counterpart Indian NGOs, Human Rights industry, Awards (Magsaysay, Nobel and other prizes) industry, and Western media with their counterparts in India all constitute Global mafia which is working to weaken and break India. India is the focal point of these interests, where India should not be allowed to become another challenge like China, but at the same time not totally disintegrate so as to contain China. These interests want to use India to provide a constant stream of Technical Coolies to build Western institutions but not allow India to develop its own institutions.

4) India is lacking an effective counteroffensive of intellectual Kshatriyas. We may see some Indian minister making emotional outbursts on the agenda of external forces but deep structural issues exist within India to make an ineffective response. India needs intellectual Kshatriya’s centres, something like Intellectual Kshatriya Academy to guide the highest-ranking positions in Government.

West has Think Tanks where they have both left and right wings think tanks providing input for Judicial positions, policies etc., but India doesn’t have such a system. There are 300 seminaries in the US and in India there are thousands of Madrassas, 20 intellectual Madrassas (in India) along with left which has huge infrastructure. On the contrary, there is very little to show in spite of thousands of crores of rupees spent on institutions like ICSSR (Indian Council for Social Sciences Research) while organizations like Infinity Foundation which is headed by Rajiv Ji is starved of funds for the kind of activities it would like to take. While the Chinese have set up very effective institutions across the World, India is seriously lacking in that.

Modi Ji needs to come out of shackles of bureaucracy and create external think tanks with proven leaders and use them as advisories for each of the Central Ministries.

My notes: On the contrary, we have many dubious NGOs supporting Western agenda in India (recent Soros outburst on spending billions on such NGOs to take on India etc is just an example). Billions are pouring through FCRA from Western institutions, many more from hawala routes and are feeding these NGOs trying to subvert anything Government does through Judicial appropriation, by creating dubious reasons to stop Hindu and Indian practices such as Diwali, which according to them is polluting, while Bakri-id, where millions of animals slaughtered many times in public places, is not polluting, entry of women in ONE Sabarimala temple is an issue but not a single Mosque allowing women is not, magnifying every small wrong deed by some Hindu spiritual leaders, but put the rapes of nuns in churches under wraps, trying to categorize every Hindu practice as superstition (a demonic pagan practice) through dubious anti-superstition laws, inventing dubious environmental excuses against Hindu Spiritual establishments such as Art of Living or Isha Foundation. Just last financial year, 200 million dollars poured into Andhra Pradesh, 300+ million dollars in Tamilnadu and overall billions are being poured into India each year, mostly to subvert and break India.

5) India is looking for talent within rank and file and not bringing outside talent.

ICSSR is a good example of this which is a result of seasoned bureaucrats managing it with little outside talent, especially at the top.

My Notes: One of the main issues many say with Modi Ji is his reliance on bureaucrats which apparently he himself acknowledged. Modi Ji is carrying the same mindset as he did in Gujarat where he successfully moulded the bureaucracy to deliver results, but at the national level, the bureaucrats are well seasoned who are apt at their own survival no matter what Government is in power. They may say and appear to do what makes their Government bosses happy, but in reality, most of them are ineffective and inefficient at the least and horrendously corrupt at worst. There is little input from experts from outside and even if there is, it gets easily manoeuvred and masked by the constant surrounding of bureaucrats. This is the biggest undoing of Modi Ji from many accounts, according to best of his admirers.

6) Good listeners but poor implementation.

My Notes: Rajiv Ji is referring to how the top brass (Government, RSS) and the bottom activists/citizens are very receptive, but the bureaucracy in the middle is extremely lacking in performance in spite of many thousands of crores of rupees spent on them. If you go talk to those in ICSSR institutions (Indian Council of Social Sciences Research) they talk you nicely, but they make you look like they are doing a favour to you.


1) Bring external talent to head institutions like ICSSR. Rajiv Ji expressed interest to take such position and show results.

My notes: We recently spoke with a Khadi board member who accounted from his 3 years of experience on how the schemes at the top announced by Modi Ji are effectively siphoned off and stolen before it reaches the end recipients. Modi Ji needs to come out of shackles of bureaucracy and create external think tanks with proven leaders and use them as advisories for each of the Central Ministries.

2) Make Mandirs in educational centres’ premises along with worship. Mosques and Churches do all the time. Hindu pride should come from keepers of Dharma.

3) Structural changes are needed in Government exams such as UPSC and others. The material and the selection is not bringing the best in the country.

My Notes: It is mind-boggling to read Arvind Kumar article[3] on JNU selection process, where it seems to be designed to select and mould those who will divide and break India.

4) Infinity Foundation is bringing up Breaking India book[2] as course work and Rajiv Ji invited other institutions to co-brand it and disseminate the information.

1. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.


[1] Webinar on Breaking India Forces by Rajiv Malhotra on Feb 2nd, 2020 –

[2] Breaking India, by Rajiv Malhotra –

[3] The Religious Crusades of the CIA by Arvind Kumar

[4] Anti-Hindu USCIRF, Sex, Crime, Bigotry in the name of religious freedom by Arvind Kumar

[5] Bible Thumpers by Arvind Kumar

[6] DC rally at Lincoln Memorial highlighting Mahatma Gandhi’s message against Christian missionary menace in India24th December 2019,

[7] Selection Engineering, Political Filters in JNU’s Admission Process by Arvind Kumar

Satya Dosapati is an activist based in the US working on causes for both in India and US. He played a critical role in the introduction of paper trail for India's Electronic Voting Machines called VVPAT. He and another activist organized All American Rally for Trump bringing in various ethnic communities together in support of Trump Presidential Election. He is well known for challenging 100 and 30 million dollar lawsuits from Sonia Gandhi proxies in the US when he coordinated a UN protest against Sonia Gandhi representing Mahatma Gandhi values at UN and taking a full page Ad in New York Times exposing her. He has several successes in an activist movement from forcing Andhra Pradesh CM YSR in 2007 in banning conversions insideHindu temples, bringing attention to the plight of backward caste minor girls in West Bengal being kidnapped and thrown into sexual slavery through love jihad. His presentation on Plunder of India by Sonia UPA received nearly 2 lacs hits. He was also engaged in animal rights movements in the US for health, environment, and compassion. He received his bachelors from IIT Chennai and pursuing a career in Telecom in the US.
Satya Dosapati


  1. No nation in the world wants a competitor, just like in business or politics. Wars are being fought to control one society against another society. This process is going on since humans became civilised. Iran,Iraq,Yemen,Syria,Afghanistan,Lebanon,Pakistan are countries where Muslims are killed on daily basis. Who is the beneficiary of these wars ? Western nations. What happens if US leaves gulf nations ? All Sheikhdoms will be gobbled by Iran / Russia.currently Half the African nations have become economic slaves to China.

    Coming to present day, India is no exception.Breaking India started in 1000 AD.First Islamists plundered and later missionaries. Actual fault lies in hindu ideology which includes Buddhism and Jainism. They are too docile to defend against crusades and jehadists. Reality is Hindus have formed a single organised nation only in 1947.

    Perhaps god is kind to modern day Hindus. They have intelligence and mighty military power.What they lack is nationalistic spirit , and money. The priority is free hindu temples from govnt control, so that money can be distributed among Hindus , bring uniform civil code and bring 2 child policy. The suggestions in the article will automatically align themselves in future.


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