Modi gets the highest approval rating of 70 percent among world leaders

A website dedicated to tracking the approval rating of Global leaders ranks Modi the most popular

A website dedicated to tracking the approval rating of Global leaders ranks Modi the most popular
A website dedicated to tracking the approval rating of Global leaders ranks Modi the most popular

With 70%, PM Modi shines at top of Global Leader Approval ratings

Morning Consult is not a site that jumps out – even the most online surfers may not know it[1]. But it is focused on doing one thing and one thing well – tracking various things such as approval ratings amongst the netizens. If you look at the site and move your mouse across the data presented since Jan 2020, you will notice that Modi has consistently been having the highest approval rating. Those who spew venom at him for his policies and alleged discrimination of minorities (ask the majority in India – they will provide you with data that it is under Modi that the minorities have enjoyed the most amount of benefits) should hang their heads in shame. Their lies will now spread again in the upcoming seminar from Sep 10-12 where more lies and untruths will be delivered by the left-lumpens who have made it their life ambition to run down Modi.

While it feels good that Modi is well ahead of others, the data must be consumed with caution. The sample-set size is quite small (2126 adults). There are other leaders whose sample set is quite large – for instance, Biden’s sample size is over 40,000. Now that everyone in India has this site to vote on the popularity, I can tell you that the first bandwagon that will jump on it is the left-lumpens. But, hopefully, the others – centrists and right-wingers will also weigh in and make the findings accurate.

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In my opinion, while I may have some misgivings in some aspects of the governance, if I look at the challenges facing the world and Modi’s response to it, I can tell you that he has handled them well. Can he do better? Absolutely! Flashes of brilliance followed by lumps of mediocrity? Yes. More decisiveness? Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!

Let us track this poll and see how he fares in the weeks and months to come.


[1] Global Leader Approval Rating TrackerSep 02, 2021, Morning Consult

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An inventor and out-of-the-box thinker, Sree Iyer has 37 patents in the areas of Hardware, Software, Encryption and Systems.

His first book NDTV Frauds has been published and is an Amazon Bestseller.It ranked second among all eBooks that were self-published in 2017.

His second book, The Gist of GSTN which too is available on Amazon as an e-Book and as a paperback.

His third book, The Rise and Fall of AAP is also available in print version or as an e-Book on Amazon.

His fourth book, C-Company just released to rave reviews and can be bought as a print version or as an e-Book on Amazon.
Sree Iyer
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