Moses, Jesus and the Prophet (PBUH): who are they if not self-styled godmen? – Part 2

Do not the Hindus see an exponential decline in their numbers that is still ongoing?

Do not the Hindus see an exponential decline in their numbers that is still ongoing?
Do not the Hindus see an exponential decline in their numbers that is still ongoing?

This article is the continuation of the Moses, Jesus and the Prophet (PBUH): who are they if not self-styled godmen? where “The indiscriminate use of the phrase self-styled godman for Hindus’ Swamijis and Gurujis” was discussed.

In fact, it is an act of emphasizing the Christian concept that one cannot be self-made in spirituality and one needs the Church and their middlemen priests to access god. It is this philosophy that has been infused into all discourses and made the phrase self-styled godmen as a derogatory one and is cunningly applied to Hindu Swamijis and Gurujis alone. Thus, every usage of the phrase, which is invariably derogatory, is arguably an overt Christian act.

People want – and have a right to – a living breathing Guru to guide them, not a dead person who cannot save himself or herself.

Which Tamizh Nayanmar and Azhwar was a proclaimed saint from a Mutt and not a self-styled one? What about Kabir and Guru Gobind Singh? What about Buddha and Mahavira? Did somebody anoint them as proclaimed Mutt head or a graduate of a Mutt before they could preach their version of spiritualism and theology? Which Tamizh Siddhar is from a Mutt or a defined Sampradaya? Which Mutt was Adi Sankara the head of? Which Mutt was Sri Ramanuja from? They all went on to found great Mutts and massive Sampradayas and more in their own self-proclaimed self-styled way.

This attack on self-styled, self-proclaimed is an attack on every human, not just Hindus. The materialists are loudly proclaiming Humans are nothing more than a bag of flesh. It is an attack on the innate spirituality in every being. One has every right to be a materialistic miserable depressed wreck but has no right to attack the roots of spirituality itself (especially of others’).

The only difference between the Abrahamic (desert) religions and Hinduism is the latter is open to such noble beings arising from anywhere and any community. This open architecture (as propounded systematically and being propagated by Rajiv Malhotra) is what is under attack, and consequently, the spiritual space that this architecture allows is under attack as well. The Abrahamic desert religions do not want any spiritual leader to arise, or the space to exist, as it will become a challenge to their existing deified self-styled godmen founders’ hegemony.

People want – and have a right to – a living breathing Guru to guide them, not a dead person who cannot save himself or herself. This innate need shakes the very foundation of Abrahamic (desert) religions’ theology: their master is the last master, the last prophet or the last son of god, and no more godmen are to be allowed which can challenge their supremacy.

Worship of Rama has been attested to, archaeologically, from the Balkans to the Far-East. Where are those Hindus now?

Is it still not obvious why every Swamiji and Guruji is attacked? Every person, not just Hindus, accept that the politicians are openly corrupt, the criminal justice system is unreliable, the bureaucrats are boldly corrupt, the policemen are their foot soldiers (willingly or unwillingly), and the media is morally bankrupt. Yet, they believe in every media story and every judgment of guilt. Who are the naïve acting self-loathing Hindus fooling?


It is only Hindus who believe naïvely every label given to them, every story given to them as their history or philosophy, however negative it is to their own survival and dignity. Hindus have even shamelessly allowed the noble word bhakt to be so abused and misused.

Hindus believe in the concocted history fed to them, without using even the least common sense. How can caste by birth be possible arithmetically? — How can the Westerners (Greeks) invent maths or science? Try doing basic addition and subtraction with their childish Roman numerals (it is impossible without Indian numerals; in fact, the Arabs called it al-Hind meaning “from Hindus.”). Yet, there is no shortage of Hinduphobes who will reject such common sense truths.

Where are the Hindus of Kashmir, Nagaland, Pakistan, Bangladesh and more? Worship of Rama has been attested to, archaeologically, from the Balkans to the Far-East. Where are those Hindus now? Do not the Hindus see an exponential decline in their numbers that is still ongoing?

Hindus, for the sake of entire humanity’s sane survival, wake up!



  1. Wikipedia contributors (2018) Presstitute. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Available at: [Accessed June 22, 2018].
  2. Malhotra R The importance of protecting our gurus. Available at: [Accessed April 25, 2018].
  3. Wake up Hindus: Kumbh Mela under attack, not Daati Maharaj or Swami Nithyananda (2018) The Rational Hindu. Available at: [Accessed June 22, 2018].
  4. From Kathua to Kanchi: how the secular police-prosecution-media nexus twists the arms of the… (2018) The Rational Hindu. Available at: [Accessed June 18, 2018].
  5. Wikipedia contributors (2018) Catholic Church sexual abuse cases. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Available at: [Accessed April 21, 2018].
  6. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Available at: [Accessed March 18, 2018].
  7. Why has South India’s Catholic Church re-inducted a convicted child molester priest? (2016) The News Minute. Available at: [Accessed April 21, 2018].
  8. Sherwood H (2017) Pope Francis asks for forgiveness for church’s role in Rwanda genocide. The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed September 19, 2017].
  9. OA-hg T/. (2016) Mexican Indigenous Ask Pope to Apologize for Mass Genocide. teleSUR. Available at: [Accessed April 30, 2018].

A medic and a graduate of the University of Cambridge, England,involved in inter-disciplinary research for the inculcation of a scientific rigour in the outdatedfields of humanities: putting "science"
into social sciences.
Murali KV


  1. All the Christian & Muslim conversionist fail to understand that sanathan is a religion with one God which has many form of worship which is science based. I believe these religious minority’s has been allowed by Hindu’s to take advantage of their “Atithi Devo Bhav”. I am a Christian by faith & Bharatiya by religion. Most minority’s keep their religion above their country, and we all are tolerating this. To make a penny these conversionist are hitting on the 30 lake year old spiritual existence of this land. I appreciate your hitting back, I believe your message is seen, heard & observed by all who can change & bring the change.

  2. Fantastic. The tone and the content are correct and clear.
    The so called Hindus who don’t understand their roots have to learn.
    The distorted history has to be corrected.
    Those who believe in these have to stand up in unity.
    This has to be told again and again for those who don’t know to know it.

  3. The author needs to be praised for his bold analysis. Swami Vivekananda said – Humans are innately divine. Now if anyone doesn’t feel divinity within, it is because of sins, bad deeds like cheating, doing fraud, cruelty to fellow humans and other creation, broadly termed as bad karma. Yes, this can be washed away with the help of a guide or a spiritual master, guru, swami or even a fellow human who is kind enough to enlighten. Basically all religions lay down a code of social conduct in order to help us grow into good humans till one becomes ripe enough to follow his own ideals that are based on gained knowledge, experiences and insights. As Guru Gobind Singh declared at Nanded (Maharashtra) to a huge gathering of assembled Hindus (including people from its allied religions) – “Manab ki jaat sabai ekei pehchanbo” (Recognise that all carrying human blood are one i.e. equal), we need to understand it alike. But when some people start saying “the last prophet” or “only son of god” etc, it creates problems because the entire creation is entirely His creation. While Guru Gobind Singh abolished the guruship in human form at Nanded, he declared to the gathering that He has transferred His entire spiritual powers and divine knowledge to Sri Guru Granth Sahib and instructed all that whenever you want to have my Darshan, go to the Holy book and do so. When Pundit Kirpa Ram of Kashmir bowed to ask how do we receive your guidance hereafter, the Guru ordained all to go to the Holy book reverently with humility, make a prayer before it, then open it at random, read the opening words and shabad (stanza) appearing on top left hand side page, and know that the words are my guidance or answer to your query, then accept and act upon it. He then blessed the entire gathering of seekers and retired for rest to leave this planet on the 3rd day thereafter. This is the reason that true Sikhs, Hindus & other devotees consider the Holy book as a living Guru as its words or guidance is eternal. BTW, it is not out of place to mention here that the Holy book contains hymns of not only Sikh Gurus, but also of then renowned Hindu saints, mendicants, bhakts and a few Muslim saints as well. I am not sure if it contains any shabads from Christian and other religious saints and is a matter of research. Suffice to say that at the time of compilation of the Holy book had there been any renowned Christians saints, their hymns would also have been included as the Gurus did not discriminate on grounds of faith.

  4. Nice one.
    Christian religion is a crap.
    A person who is a son of God…but not a word about the female counterpart(goddess).
    (Every son has a father and mother)
    They say god created humans using his own form…. But reject Hindus statue worship.
    God is everywhere even in straw n dust is hindu philosophy and equally in a carved stone, brought to life with mantras.
    Again a person who couldn’t save himself from his own creation and was tortured and killed is a God who can save humans.
    Absolute crap framed by churches and spread to establish their control.

    In Hinduism priest in just a link between god n humans and nothing more, nothing less.
    But pastors need more power and establish more power on fellow humans.

    I didn’t know this was the second part so could read only now.

  5. Hello angry young man! Good questions and substantial research behind this article. But can you tell me if God needs Godmen to convey his messages? Whether I believe in God (whichever brand:) or not, does that changes his existence or nature or functioning? No study proves God’s gender yet we consider “it” as “him”.

    I may be wrong but I believe that religions were created, taking into account the time and circumstance of their creation, to bring discipline & order in the then existing free society, which might have been like a headless chicken with no infinite direction to lead towards and no restrictions on actions of humans. As time passed, some people used religion to scare people, some to elevate spirituality, but all in all, everyone used religion to create their own loyal groups of people and that’s where it all should’ve started. Whether it’s correct or incorrect, I believe that religions are just tools to divide the society into groups of people so that the loyalty of those people remain bound towards one. That’s how you combated muscle power then and later, the law of land.

    I believe humans have an in-built capacity to “connect” with God and each one should find their own way to make attempts to do so. Worshipping, in every religion, is nothing but meditating, which means you get inside yourself to connect rather than praising, bootlicking and evangelizing gods of different kinds. However, I wish God would need humans’ help to prove “him”self or run his business, coz then humans would have made even God weaker:)

    • Good questions raised.

      Before commenting, should one not read the piece carefully?

      To quote from the article: “In fact, it is an act of emphasizing the Christian concept that one cannot be self-made in spirituality and one needs the Church and their middlemen priests to access god.”

      Humans have an in-built capacity to survive, grow and learn. Yes. Then why do you have parents, guardians and teachers. Prodigies exist. That is an exception to the rule. Gurus and Swamis are guides like a supervisor is for a PhD scholar. Often the scholar even after becoming a guide himself or herself remains attached to his own guide. Please see things with a holistic perspective, not a western reductionist binary lens.


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