Dear Modi,
Sir, let’s face it. India is known for its beggars (thank you, National Geographic). Indians are also known for being sadhus and monks (again, thank you National Geographic). In this, where does the economy step in? India should be happy with being considered an economy ranked in the top 20! Ok, so you brought it to the top 5 but where was the need to push Great Britain out of the top 5? You could have shared that position but, NOOOO! You wanted to push them out and usurp that spot! Now, you want to push Germany and Japan out and take their spots!!
Modiji, Indians live in a poor “neighborhood”. On the one side, you have Bangladesh; on the other side, you have Pakistan and to the south, you have Sri Lanka. None of them can be considered economic powerhouses or investment attractions!! When in Rome, be a Roman! You have made India inaccessible to the aforementioned countries! To rub salt in their festering wounds, you put aside money, in your budget, for at least two of those countries and conveniently forget THE SUPERPOWER!! No, Sir, I am not talking about my country, the US of A. My country is no longer the ONLY superpower!! I am talking about the world’s ONLY ISLAMIC NUCLEAR ARMED COUNTRY! Yep, I see your smile so you’ve understood who I am subtly trying to point at!!
NaMoji, when a majority of Indians don’t have food, jobs, housing, and a future (Thank you RaGa and PriVa), why do you feel the need to promote narcissistic people like Ambani and Adani? All they’re really doing is filling their coffers (thanks Burqa Dutt) and you are acting as their enabler!! PM Sir, Indians are really disappointed with this irrational behavior!
Where was the need to build the railway infrastructure to match, and probably surpass, European standards? Did India really need Vande Bharat? So a journey from Delhi to Chandigarh took 2-3 days! So what? If people can’t afford planes, they need to suffer!! Making trains so good has made people more lethargic! They now don’t need to go stand in a queue and wait patiently while the ticket counter folks get their morning breakfast and coffee! The exercise they, and their vocal cords, got has now been replaced with doing everything on cellphones or laptops!!
A car was a symbol of prestige!! What you did was take that prestige away from the elite and give it to the poor downtrodden people!! WHY?? Couldn’t you have allowed that much prestige to the elite? I mean, think about this: RaGa comes to a “poor farmer’s house” for a photo-op, only to find the “poor farmer “ has one of those Mercedes E-vehicles and a dozen motorcycles, while RaGa himself came in an Ambassador!!
Airlines and flying were considered to be something only a few people could afford! To make airports all over India, and then make air tickets so accessible that anyone can fly is taking this to beyond the limits! You actually expect PriVa to sit next to a farmer, in a dhoti and one of those turbans, his wife in an old saree, that too in first class?? How does one differentiate between PriVa and the farmer’s daughter or wife??
You need to either take steps to bring everyone down back to where they were when you became PM or else…I will vote for RaGa and the other patriots who still want to “Gareeb Ko Hatao”! What, are you sure, sir? Its Gareebi Hatao? Well, either way, you need to backtrack on all developmental projects and definitely stop moving India into the economic progress that you are envisioning! We need to be grounded (take it from where you have brought India to, back to the good old days when people were happy just getting by with minimal benefits). I know you will agree, life is so much easier, exciting and not to forget healthy!!!
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