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NDTV Frauds v2.0 by Sree Iyer - A Book Review

Book Review: A war between two brilliant talents — One without ethics and one...

The rather large list of Exhibits gives you an idea of the lengths to which NDTV and PC would go to save themselves. It has...
NDTV Frauds V2.0 - plumbs the depths to which some go to bend the rules and laws while preaching morality

NDTV Frauds V2.0 – Updated Version of the book released. An exposé on how...

NDTV Frauds V2 – The Real Culprit The first version was released in March 2017 and experienced unprecedented success as it was amongst the first in...
The Sabarimala protests are a blessing in disguise for the CPM government of Kerala.

Sabarimala Conundrum: Eyeing the Funds, Defying the Devotees

With the Supreme Court taking up the review petition on Sabarimala the Communists are happy to take the bounty away amidst the chaos and...
Everything that Jaitley says is contradicted by facts, but then he is an honourable man.

Jaitley is an honorable man

If everything is so hunky dory as claimed by Jaitley, why is the government finding it hard to meet the fiscal deficit figure? Why...
Dr. Subramanian Swamy - A Giant among Pygmies

Dr. Subramanian Swamy – A Giant among Pygmies

His moral compass is set against criminality and inefficiency, he expects transparency and abidance to the rule of law. Watching events in India unfold from...
Is the Super PM cabal of Gujarat cadre creating a divide in the Administrative Services of the Government?

Gujarat Cadre Officers Vs. Gujarat Cadre Officers – Chaos theory in action

The on-going tussle between two groups of Gujarat cadre officers is the hottest topic in the power corridors of Delhi – because it is...
Upping the ante, Swamy writes to the Finance Ministry seeking more information about Adhia's actions in various ongoing cases

Swamy files 10 more RTIs to Fin Min on the appointment of Adhia’s relatives,...

Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy is in no mood to give up. After filing 10 Request to Information (RTI) to the Finance Ministry, this...
What has Modi given to Indians in the preceding 4 years?

What has Modi given to Indians in the preceding 4 years?

Modi has given optimism, enterprise and resilience to Indians through his 3 disruptive reforming measures namely, Demonetization, GST and IBC. What has Modi given to...
Officials look to PM Modi to rescue economy

Officials look to PM Modi to rescue economy from toxic cabal

This article has been published here with the permission of the author. Honest and patriotic officials are hopeful that Prime Minister Modi will “go beyond...
Swamy to write to the PM to prosecute a senior Finance Ministry official without naming him but all hints point to Adhia

Subramanian Swamy to seek Sanction to Prosecute Finance Secretary Hasmukh Adhia under Prevention of...

Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy is expected to file Sanction for Prosecution against Finance Secretary Hasmukh Adhia under Prevention of Corruption...


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