The Previous Parts of this series can be accessed here. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8A, part 8B, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13 This is Part 14.
Do Indian liberals seriously think that every single one of these writers – Will Durant, Fernand Braudel, and Alan Danielou, had some sort of bias or were affiliated in some way to the Hindu nationalist movement?
It is high time that liberals (classical liberals as I don’t expect social justice warriors to change) understand this and shake themselves off the delusion that Islamic rulers promoted tolerance and pluralism. My objective in writing this article is not to incite hatred against ordinary Muslims, most of whom are actually descendants of Hindus. The objective of this lengthy article is two-fold – To showcase the valor displayed by the great heroes of India who helped salvage Dharma when it was faced with the threat of complete destruction and also to debunk the laughable leftist narrative that Islamic rule was benevolent and the Hindus survived because of their benevolence!
V. Sheshadri summed up not just my feelings but also the feelings of every proud Hindu in his book, ‘The Tragic Story of Partition’. Sheshadri wrote, “For 800 years Hindusthan waged a relentless freedom struggle – probably the most stirring saga of crusade for national freedom witnessed anywhere on the face of this earth. From Maharana Kumbha to Maharana Pratap Simha and Rajasimha in Rajasthan, from Hakka and Bukka to Krishnadevaraya in the South, from Chhatrapati Shivaji to the Peshwas in Maharashtra, from the various martyr Gurus of the Sikhs including Guru Govind Singh to Banda Bairagi and Ranjit Singh in the Punjab, from Chhatrasal in Bundelkhand to Lachit Barphukan in Assam, countless captains of the war of independence piloted the ship of freedom and steered her through perilous tides and tempests. As a result of their ceaseless and crushing blows, the conquering, sword of Islam lay in dust, shattered to pieces.”
Thanking you for both your time and your patience. Hope you enjoyed it!
- Alain Danielou, ‘Histoire de l’ Inde’
- Braudel, ‘A History of Civilizations’
- Freitag, Jason, ‘Serving empire, serving nation: James Tod and the Rajputs of Rajasthan’
- V. Sheshadri, ‘The Tragic Story of Partition’
- Jadunath Sarkar, ‘House of Shivaji’
- Jadunath Sarkar, ‘Shivaji and his times’
- Koenraad Elst, ‘Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam’
- S Lal, ‘The Legacy of Muslim Rule in India’
- A Khan, ‘Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery’
- Parmanand Parashar, ‘Nationalism: It’s Theory and Principles in India’
- Ram Swarup, ‘Hindu View of Christianity and Islam’
- R Goel, ‘Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders’
- R Goel, ‘Hindu Temples: What Happened To Them (Vol I & II)
- R Goel, ‘The Story of Islamic Imperialism in India
- R Goel, ‘Tipu Sultan -Villain or Hero’
- Stein Burton, The New Cambridge History of Vijayanagara
- Will Durant, ‘The Story of Civilization’
- H McLeod, ‘The Sikhs: History, Religion, and Society’
- googlebooks.com
- archive.org
- historum.com
- voiceofdharma.org
- Lalitaditya: The Forgotten Alexander of India, Feb 17, 2017, Shippis TV
1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.
- Real Indian History – Part 14 - February 19, 2018
- Real Indian History – Part 13 - February 15, 2018
- Real Indian History – Part 12 - February 12, 2018
I will tell you real history,
Stella Marise fell for lord Shiva,
Lord Shiva blessed her with fornication,
Jesus was born ,who defied his father Lord Shiva and went to desert to preach his bigoted philosophy of The God who created the humanity and differentiated them HIMSELF in to believers n non believers,awarded eternal heaven to Believers n eternal hell to Nonbelievers,
Idolators of desert Crucified him for that,
He promised to come back but prevented by curse of Lord Shiva,
So repent n Praise Lord Shiva for Jesus’s come back !!
Shut up stooge! Christian missionaries need to be destroyed now. I think the end of both top two populous religions is near due to this kind of pervert activities. You islamic and christians looted our country and now are using that looted money to convert our people. You deserve a brutal end and we will give you that don’t worry. It’s just a matter of time.
Why is it that Abrahamicists negate their heritage , their culture and their Dharamic philosophy ?
We folow Dharam. Dharam is a Philosophy NOT a Religion.
The goal of Dharam is Enlightenment.
Dharam is followed by all non – believers- Buddhists, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Arya Samaj, Yezdis, Shinto, Confucians, Arya Samaj, Jains etc
I.e by all who do not follow Blind Belief systems.