Errant social media company Twitter is facing the music from India. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (IT) issued a show-cause notice to Twitter for not showing Leh as part of Ladakh. The notice dated November 9 issued to Twitter asked to explain within five working days as to why legal action should not be initiated for disrespecting India’s territorial integrity. Earlier Twitter faced summons from a Parliament panel for showing Leh as part of China and Twitter India representatives apologized. The IT Secretary also wrote to Twitter head Jack Dorsey on this matter.
The Parliamentary panel headed by Meenakshi Lekhi had warned the Twitter representatives of facing seven years in jail and a written apology was submitted by the social media company based in the United States. Many MPs had warned Twitter to obey the laws of the land if they wanted to operate in India.[1] Twitter has saved its skin by apologizing and now again offended India by not showing Leh as part of India in their maps and geo-positioning.
The Ministry in its notice has directed Twitter to explain within five working days as to why legal action should not be initiated against Twitter and its representatives for disrespecting the territorial integrity of India by showing an incorrect map. In India, misrepresentation or publishing a map is a serious offense where punishment is for seven years of jail.
The Ministry in its notice sent to the global Vice President of Twitter has mentioned that showing Leh as part of Jammu and Kashmir is a deliberate attempt by Twitter to undermine the will of the sovereign Parliament of India which had declared Ladakh as a Union Territory of India with its headquarter in Leh.
“It is pertinent to mention here that earlier Twitter has shown Leh as part of the People’s Republic of China after which Secretary Ministry of Electronics and IT had written a letter to CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey raising objection to that. In response to that Twitter had removed the People’s Republic of China. But Twitter has not yet corrected the map to show Leh as part of the Union Territory of Ladakh. It is still showing Leh as part of Jammu and Kashmir, which is against the official position of Government of India,” said the Ministry in a statement.
[1] Facing ire of India’s MPs, Twitter begs apology to Parliament panel for wrongly showing Leh, Jammu & Kashmir as part of China – Oct 29, 2020,
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This is all part of narrative control. Watch David wood videos on YouTube how censorship applies to all except one community. And watch his videos about yasser qadhi new job refereeing content.
[…] खबर को अंग्रेजी में यहाँ […]
[…] Repeated offender Twitter gets show cause notice and asked to reply within five days for not showing… – Nov 12, 2020, […]
First and foremost, the PMI, Mr. Modi should give up – cease to use his Twitter account to set an excellent example to all patriotic Indians to follow suit. All overseas Indians using the Twitter account and those Twitter employees working for Twitter from within India should put pressure on Jack Dorsey to change his attitude towards India. Isolate and dump the anti-India forces be it abroad or separatists operating from within India and it starts from your PMI.