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Tag: #UP

BJP needs a Plan B for 2029 elections

BJP needs rebranding, Nitin Gadkari is the best option We have seen many analyses of the 2024 Lok Sabha (LS) election results by different analysts. The...

No action on the Kashmiri students celebrating Pakistan’s win, but students...

Punjab hostels removed UP, Bihar students after opposing Kashmiri students for celebrating Pakistan's victory In a shocking turn of events, Punjab hostel expelled UP and...

Next Gen Hindutva Govt needs Adityanath but it also needs Adv...

Young Hindus are eager to learn about Hindu history and its civilizational past We may agree or disagree, Hindutva will be the inevitable method for...

Enslaved by East India Company or its violence?

The British East India Company ruled India for decades - if we decipher the company era, we get an indication that we were not...

Sheer hypocrisy of Liberals & Left exposed

Outrage creation on UP’s mass sanitizer spraying collapses when the same method found opted in Kerala too The self-claimed Liberals and Left are frequently called...

CAA: A small step towards Humanity

The CAA is certainly a small step in the right direction but it needs to be broadened and the government should introduce a new...