Following the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) charge sheet and the attachment of properties in India and abroad, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday charge-sheeted former Finance Minister Chidambaram and son Karti for money laundering in the INX Media bribery case. The charge sheet filed before Special Judge Ajay Kumar Kuhar detailed money laundering of Karti and his companies from the bribe money of INX Media of around Rs. Five crores and proceeds of crime leading to the purchase of shares in Vasan Eye Care Group and making huge profits and purchase of properties abroad. ED in October 2018 attached Karti and his firms’ properties in Delhi, Ooty, London, and Tennis Academy in Spain worth Rs.54 crores. These properties are expected to fetch more than Rs.200 crores in the market today[1].
The INX Bribery case was found by the ED during its joint raid with the Income Tax Department at Karti’s firms in connection with the Aircel-Maxis scam in December 2014. The raid was conducted by ED’s Joint Director Rajeshwar Singh and unearthed a huge list of properties in 14 countries and 21 undeclared foreign bank accounts by Chidambaram family. PGurus have detailed these assets in an article titled ‘Chidambara Rahasya’[2].
The bribe-giver Indrani has already confessed and turned approver in the INX Media case[3]. In the INX Media case, after the arrest of Karti, Chidambaram also spent 106 days in CBI, ED custody and jail. For getting bail from courts Chidambaram even lied that he is facing very peculiar diseases like Crohn’s disease and his advocates pleaded before courts that these diseases may lead to heart attack and cancer[4].
In the CBI case, Chidambaram and Karti are charge-sheeted along with many IAS officers[5]. As per CBI cases accused people charged under the Prevention of Corruption Act and Indian Penal Code provision face punishment that ranges from six months to seven years. The trial has started in this case. The ED Chargesheet under Prevention of Money Laundering Act envisages imprisonment of between three to seven years.
Chidambaram and son Karti are already charge-sheeted by the CBI and ED in Aircel-Maxis scam. The agencies sought more time from the Court to give more evidence. Chidambaram’s wife Nalini also has been charge-sheeted in the Sarada Chit Fund scam in a court in Kolkata. Karti and his wife Srinidhi are also facing an Income Tax charge sheet in Chennai’s Special Court.
[1] ED attaches Rs.54 crores worth assets of Karti Chidambaram in the INX Media bribery case – Oct 11, 2018,
[2] Chidambara Rahasya – Details of huge secret assets & foreign bank accounts of Chidambaram family – Mar 15, 2017,
[3] INX Media bribery case – Bribe giver Indrani turns Approver – Jul 4, 2019,
[4] Crooked Chidambaram’s fake diseases claim torpedoed. AIIMS reports to the High Court that PC has no health issues – Nov 2, 2019,
[5] INX Media bribery: Chidambaram, Karti, family’s Accountant, Peter, six finance ministry officials & four companies charge-sheeted – Oct 18, 2019,
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High profile nationally debated and well exposed corruption cases become hot topic points during election times but once in power, it is all in deep cold storage for ever. It would be highly irritating if Modi takes up this as the election talking point in his manifesto in the next round. 2G, Bofors, AgustsWestland, National Herald, Vadra land deals, Aircel Maxis, INX media, Saradha Chit fund…… The list is too long. Who is the current ruling class BJP fooling. This depicts the true picture of a highly Corrupt India with failed Leaders pampered by a worthless Top scums adorning as the creamy topping layer of the infected big fat cake – the Bureaucrats, Judiciary, Lawyers, Corporate mafia all going all out fooling the common man to swindle their wealth in post-independent Indian era. What comes to my mind. “You Reap what You Sow”. Edha Raja Tadha Praja. Modi has miserably failed the nation so far and has not delivered on his key poll promise of weeding out Corruption both in round one in 2014 and round two in 2019. Is he not fooling India. On the other hand, Pakistan, Bangladesh have handled Corruption charges against top political bosses swiftly and expeditiously No wonder India gets the “Junk” rating on this score of never ending Corruption at the TOP Delhi Admin. Percolating and trickling down to the level of a common man as the very way of life.
I will be happy only when the culprits are convicted and sent to jail. So far no politician has been convicted and sent to jail on corruption. We voted BJP to power because of its promise to the voters that no culprit will be spared. but gradually we are losing our faith with BJP because no one is getting punished. Before the elections, BJP brought so many charges of corruption and nepotism against Arvind Kejriwal but once the elections are over everything is forgotten and we are being forced to suffer Kejriwal and his misrules and selective appeasements.
Good One Sreeam!
Innocent unless proved guilty! That’s how we were told since ages!
Who is preventing Majboot Sarkar from announcing a Judicial Reforms Commission?
One should not blindly trust BJP lead government or BJP majority govt. In fact few in BJP protect such bandicoots with due bureaucrats.
PM or the PMO is very selecting in proceeding against such looters because to save the Government.
Past six years of story tells us that BJP inherited a rotten system but how long BJP hides behind that narrative?
BJP top notch is not comfortable with Dr.S.Swamy’s many cases against such crooks and stunningly wining cases against anti-nationals!! Since 2014 BJP is not serious in fighting cases. Let us not blame Courts alone
Dr.Swamy has become a noose around BJP’s neck. Because of Dr.Swamy’s massive following in the country and abroad BJP takes up cases every now and then and gives ample time/years to make crooks run away from our country (become senile only to argue like OC that he’s suffering from Crohn’s disease and may be COVID19 at a future date!!) besides Courts granting bails after bails and adjournments. So corruption case drags for 20/30 years!
Had Dr.Swamy been not around or on some other planet BJP would have ignored corrupt cases of UPA 1&2. BJP is comfortable with Congress-I than with Dr. Swamy. Hence, BJP appoints men close to dynasty crooks/PC chelas and chums as if country is bereft of talent!
BJP top notch kept RSS miles away and BJP does not trust its own partymen to fill Cabinet with talent.
One biggest Modi’s bhakt revealed in one of his recent videos that earlier there were Big5 namely Modi, Shah, Rajnath, Parrikar and Jaitley. After last two passed away and only to be replaced by the present FM!!!
Video further says Dr.Swamy shall not be allowed even in BJP “marga darshak mandali” !! That bhakt claims Dr.Swamy also as a twitter economist, misleading younger followers with illogical theories on Economy!!
Problem in today’s BJP top notch is lack of reasonable/higher education, disrespecting experienced and highly educated gentlemen within its own ranks/sister concerns and arrogance is their Hall Mark!
Had Bakisitan PM Imran Khan’s misadventure in Pulawama/Balakot episode not carried out these so called BJP top notch would have ended with 180 seats and not with 303 leading a coalition Govt.
BJP lead government is wasting time and economy may collapse by September 2020 with a Junk status as was prevailed during 2013-14.
The more you loot the more immunity that you get from the Judiciary for they want to see Chidambarams finger print on every note & a statement I received the amount with every currency serial number printed & acknowledged by him, even though it was done through digital transaction i.e. the fibre cable which did transaction should also authenticate that it indeed done the transaction & the software used should also authenticate & key board finger prints with time & date stamp with video photo are required by Judiciary.
This Chidambaram will die when the court starts its proceedings & case will be closed.
Indian Judiciary has rearely given punishment to any one till now i.e. crooks of Chidambaram or look alikes
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I have also doubts about logical end of all court cases and punishment given to them. As per information that has been published so far any punishment is not sufficient considering seriousness of PC’s crime.
Everything ok ..but will they be punished ?
The more they loot ,the more they harm the country the more they get acceptability in parties like