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#DailyGlobalInsights #EP68 Georgia Senate runoff trends, what will Mike Pence do today and US-China faceoff

#EP68 Georgia Senate runoff trends, what will Mike Pence do today and US-China faceoff

Sree Iyer: Namaskar and welcome to episode number 68, today is January the 6th 2021. Welcome Sridhar Chityalaji, we are going to talk about...
#DailyGlobalInsights #EP64 Mitch McConnell's U-Turn on 2K bailout, Section 230 & why Trump beat Obama as the most popular

#EP64 Mitch McConnell’s U-Turn on 2K bailout, Section 230 & why Trump beat Obama

Sree Iyer: Good morning, welcome to episode number 64 of daily Global insights, Namaskar Sridhar Chityalaji, it is the 30th of December. Welcome to...
#DailyGlobalInsights #EP62 Nashville incident, AT&T infra destroyed, Stimulus Bill passed & more

#EP62 Nashville incident, AT&T infra destroyed, Stimulus Bill passed & more

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus channel, I'm your host Sree Iyer. Today is December the 28th 2020, this is episode number 62....
#PGurusPrimeTime #USElection2020 US and the disruptive forces at work and what is at stake

#USElection2020 US and the disruptive forces at work and what is at stake

Sree Iyer: Hello, and welcome to Prime Time PGuru's. This is a special broadcast with Sridhar ChityalaJi. We are going to talk about the...
#DailyGlobalInsights #Episode55 US Elections update, Putin congratulates Biden & Obama plan!

Episode55 US Elections update, Putin congratulates Biden & Obama plan!

Sree Iyer:  Hello and welcome to PGurus channel, I am your host Sree Iyer. This is episode 55 of daily Global insights with Sri...
#WeekdaysNewsCapsule #Episode47 China influence peddling in other countries, Elections & more

#Episode47 China influence peddling in other countries, Elections & more

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel and I am Sree Iyer your host and with me is Sridhar ChityalaJi, this is episode...
#WeekdaysNewsCapsule #Episode46 As events unfold in the US Elections, we walk through each contested state and its status. Also discussed are China's strategy worldwide and how India is responding to it. A must watch!

#WeekdaysNewsCapsule Episode 46 Election Update, China playbook, India response

Sree Iyer: Hello and welcome to PGurus Channel and welcome to this episode of the weekly new capsule,  episode number 46. I have with...
All 10 nations will have to be united for a very long time to come in terms of diplomacy, economics and defence to keep China at backfoot

India-China Border settlement is a 10 Nations Project

Alliance of South-East Asia will be an alliance of this century The Great Indian and Chinese Civilisations were born in the plains of the river...
A pro-Congress journalist, Rajeev Sharma was always trying to make a quick buck, say veteran journalists who know him

Who is Journalist Rajeev Sharma, caught spying for Chinese Intelligence?

For the past 24 hours, Delhi is abuzz with the arrest of veteran journalist Rajeev Sharma (61) in the spy case. He was arrested...
The Dalai Lama may be the last chance for India to regain a friendly border between herself and the Chinese enemy, and time is running out.

The Dalai Lama is 85 years old. Does India understand the importance of that?

Chinese are the most ruthless and intelligent, just waiting for the Dalai Lama to die, to nominate their own puppet Dalai Lama On July 6,...


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