Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy accused the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and senior officials in the Finance Ministry for delaying the registering of cases against P Chidambaram, son Karti and family members under Black Money Act and Benami Act, despite having enough evidence. In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Swamy said instead of directly registering cases, these “crony officers” are trying their level best to save Chidambaram family by merely writing letters to 14 countries.
But instead of immediately registering cases and doing a custodial interrogation, that is the arrest of Chidambarams under Black Money Act and Benami Act, the CBDT Chairman and top officials in Delhi are trying to delay the case…
– Swamy
“The Income Tax Chennai Unit prepared a 200-page summary while the Enforcement Directorate issued a 70 page Summons to Karti and his benami Directors on April 17, 2017, is sufficient concrete evidence to register cases under new Black Money Act and new Benami Act,” said Swamy pointing out that honest officers of Income Tax and ED had unearthed illegal properties of Chidambaram and family members in 14 countries and 21 undeclared foreign bank accounts.
Swamy said ED’s 70-page summons details Karti’s emails to his benami Directors about Rs.3000 crore transactions abroad and agencies have unearthed the WIILs collected by Karti from these Benami Directors.
“Income Tax Chennai Unit and ED had found a six-page WILL executed by Benami Directors of Karti, bequeathing their entire properties to Karti, wife, and daughter Aditi in consideration of their respect towards former Finance Minister P Chidambaram!!! This WIIL shows that Karti will be the executor. This clearly shows that making out such a WILL was a clandestine way for these Directors to function as benamis,” said Swamy.
“But instead of immediately registering cases and doing a custodial interrogation, that is the arrest of Chidambarams under Black Money Act and Benami Act, the CBDT Chairman and top officials in Delhi are trying to delay the case by writing letters to the 14 countries to verify the details of the properties illegally acquired by Chidambaram and family members.
“This writing of letters to 14 countries is a clever move to delay the case for many years and tax havens would not respond immediately. Without registering a case, getting Letters Rogatory, just writing letters have no legal value and foreign countries will not co-operate without registering a case and before the designated court of law seeking a Letters Rogatory,” pointed out Swamy.
This detailed three-page letter shows that Swamy had already given a detailed list of officers trying to save Chidambaram to Finance Minister on August 2.
Earlier in February and March, Swamy had brought out the detailed Income Tax Chennai Unit’s report exposing the illegal assets amassed by Chidambaram and family members in 14 countries and their undeclared 21 foreign bank accounts.
On Swamy’s petition, Prime Minister has ordered CBDT, the custodian of Black Money and Benami Acts to probe into the matter in last week of March 2017. But officers friendly with former Finance Minister P Chidambaram were delaying the probe by the mere shooting of letters instead of registering a case.
The three-page letter of Swamy to Prime Minister on the delay in probes against Chidambaram under Black Money Act and Benami Act is published below:
SubramanianSwamyLettertoPMonDelaysInProbeAgainstChidambaramAug4_2017 by PGurus on Scribd
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Arun Jaitely must be supporting the CBDT people. Modi is not acting. Modi is also the culprit in delaying the cases.
What the nation wants, is an action against the Corrupts who looted the country to make their own undeserving kiths and kins rich. All voted NaMo and supported every call ही made to punish these rogues. But dejection starts looming large when come to know such flaws in NaMo admin and his own Mins saving these rogues. Will they go unpunished??????!
The entire Babu Dom, the Neta-Babu-Cop-Milard-Crony Kleptocracy is beholden to the Khangress.
After losing to Keshavananada Bharathi, Indira Gandhi built the High Command to promte persons on whom it held files of criminal wrong doing.
In any service, from Judiciary to the Armed Forces, the damocles swrod that would ensure compliance became the sine qua non for promotion.
There are Revenue Joint Secretary US Kumawat and DG Investigation in Income Tax Ramesh Yadav kind Chidambaram cronies in Finance Ministry. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley did not kick out these kind of cronies from sensitive posts. These are the people saving Chidambaram, Karti, Sonia, Ahmed Patel from alll probes, even directed by Modi for strict action. Jaitley should take action against these kind of pliant officers sitting from UPA’s tenure for many years
SS thn y don’t u expose from CBDT and who is instructing to go slow.
Only you respected Dr Swamy and P.Gurus can move this matter at a rapid velocity. It is high time that the fake Gandhis and the destructive Chidambarams are made to realize that the money they have looted belongs to the people of our mother India who toil from dawn to dusk so that these pigs can have their belly full. Please Respected Sir i beg of you to move all forces at your command for a quick and early arrest of P.C and family and also the crooks working in the Finance ministry,CBDT,CBI and else where for the paltry crumbs thrown to them by these wretched people. Sri Paramacharyal will bless you always .Regards, Ganesh.
Does this mean that only SS is pursuing the case where as FM and PM are not interested in nabbing PC. All the big talk of PM against balck money is just empty speeches. BJP will try to use this issue for garnering votes in 2019 election.
If SS in real black money crusader and hunter of culprits,let him file case against karuna family and ask CBI probe on jayalalitha death.Why on PC and sashi thaaor,just because they are from congress??
N Thangadurai
My understanding is, PM doesn’t want to even appear to be vindictive; so, he lets the law take its course, even if there are hurdles thrown in its way. One may agree with this stand or not, surely PM can’t be faulted for the delays or inaction.
Dr. Swamy as a single person can’t be expected to file cases against everyone; he can’t be the sole conscience keeper of the nation w.r.t elimination of corruption. We’ll be glad if Mr. Thangadurai files cases against Karuna family, and we’ll spread the word around. I presume Swamy will even be willing to offer any asistance he may need.
Investigate all the CBDT board members for conspiracy in this matter.