My New Letter Series – Dear “President” Biden, India Needs To Be Censured..

Politicians have lawyers that can mold the law to suit their own needs, the leading minority group has Hindu lawyers who fight to ensure that legalities don’t cramp the minority style

Politicians have lawyers that can mold the law to suit their own needs, the leading minority group has Hindu lawyers who fight to ensure that legalities don’t cramp the minority style
Politicians have lawyers that can mold the law to suit their own needs, the leading minority group has Hindu lawyers who fight to ensure that legalities don’t cramp the minority style

Dear President,

Joe, when Ilhan Omar passed a resolution to put India as a country of concern, it didn’t really shock anyone! After all, Ilhan wears her heart on her green sleeves!! Let me make a correction, BOTH Ilhan and YOU actually wear your color green with pride. No issues there! Some people like the red, white, and blue (like yours truly), others like the green, white and saffron with a wheel in the middle, and others like plain Green. You did express your concern, over the abuse of the prophet by an upstart nothing from the BJP. It doesn’t matter what the reasons were; truth be told, I hear an Islamic “scholar” abused Indian gods and goddesses which led to this whole unfortunate situation, BUT Hindus are NOT allowed to retaliate. Any form of retaliation will result in painting the Hindus as people who want Hindu Rashtra (ask Kamala to explain what that is, Joe) immediately and the minorities out of the country! How can a country do such a thing as getting rid of the Muslim population? So what if a majority of the minority wants to exterminate the majority??

Minorities should be given the right to say anything about Indian gods and goddesses without fear of any repercussions or retaliation from the Hindus. The true mark of a REAL democracy is the ability to curse out Hindu deities without fear of any repercussions! Be it the US of A or India, the country shouldn’t inhibit the people from cursing Hindu deities out!!! People like Audrey Truschke and others should never be questioned! That’s the hallmark of a true Democratic government! I’m not talking about the party, in particular, although a majority of the Democratic Party do behave like they want the Hindus extinct, more about the type of government. In India, it looks like anyone can sling mud, or anything else, at Hindu deities! Even Hindus do so!! So what’s the big deal with people from other religions making fun of the common but pious person’s beliefs in the various deities.

The truth, Joe, is a little disconcerting. The minorities are not even afraid (forget being petrified) of the majority. You see, Joe, in order for any fear of repercussions, one has to be afraid of the people being offended. The vast majority of the Hindu population is busy! Joe, it’s not nice to ask what they’re busy with, but since you asked, some are busy with the price of gas, onions, and tomatoes, some are busy with finding fault with the ruling BJP government, and others are busy with…dang it Joe, they’re busy trying to look busy!!! All in all, all of them are busy and that should suffice!

A former Pakistan minister has said that his country has such small nuclear weapons (0.25-pound weight) that will destroy Hindus and leave the Indian Muslims but of course, he was joking! And even if he was NOT joking, it’s just a geopolitical oneupry!! I’ve no idea what that is, but it sounds good so I’m going to use that phrase. The meaning of that word could vary, depending on what the context is, Joe. In this context, the minister in question, Sheikh Rashid, was trying to…How do I save this guy’s rear end from getting burned, Joe? Oh yeah, the word I created…It was a completely geopolitical oneupry and nothing else! If anyone asks you what it means, go ahead and give them any kind of explanation, Joe! That’s the beauty of words, they can be manipulated to suit any situation one is faced with! Like Ilhan can now claim what she meant to say was Hindus need to be tolerant! However, she hasn’t, for one second, asked her people to be tolerant! That’s not a part of the game plan!

To get back to Sheikh Rashid’s statement, one can only hope that this jocular statement is NOT sent to the FATF (financial action task force) otherwise that neighboring peace-loving country, the one that Ilhan visited, would end up on the FATF’s blacklist. This probably doesn’t suit Ilhan’s agenda.

You see Joe, India has, for a long time, been subservient; first to the Moghuls, then to the Muslim rulers, and if that didn’t teach them a lesson, to the British! Now, people in power still have that servitor attitude, ain’t nothin’ one can do about it!!! On the one side, one political party has the servitor approach to its Italian mistress, while on the other side, the political party has a servitor agenda to the minority, but NOT to the entire population!

People would be happy if they were servitors to the 1.35 billion people but, nope, they ain’t that!! Who suffers, you ask Joe? Aah, you did read the entire article till now so, hang in there Joe. The people that suffer are the people that voted the government to power with an overwhelming majority! Isn’t there a saying, “fool me once..shame on you, fool me twice, I’m a flushin’ idiot”! I know what it ends with but I like my version better!! But, Joe, getting back to what I was saying, the majority of the Indian sheep, er..people, are still waiting on the government to give them OPOL!

Nope, that’s NOT One Parent One Language, although one’s got to credit you with being able to think that up! OPOL, in this context, means One People One Law! The common person in that country knows this as UCC! That’s been something missing in India, Joe! Politicians have lawyers that can mold the law to suit their own needs, the leading minority group has Hindu lawyers who fight to ensure that legalities don’t cramp the minority style, and finally, the majority that CANNOT afford to have their own laws! What’s the end result, you ask Joe? Smart man with a smart question! TODAY’S INDIA!! That’s the end result!! Where the minority act like a majority, and the got it, act like sheep!!

1. Text in Blue points to additional data on the topic.
2. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of PGurus.

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Kumar Sridhar is a full time IT professional who is also a blogger,columnist and an avid sports fan! He lives with his family in New Jersey, USA.
Kumar Sridhar


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